Watching 100 Movies
Christiana Ellis and Mike Meitin watch and talk about 100 Movies and more!
Hey, Want to Watch A Movie? -- Ferris Bueller's Day Off Christiana, Mike, and P.C. Haring watch the 80's classic: Ferris Bueller's Day Off!
Direct download: ferrisbueller.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:37pm EST

Eurotrip MA in PA joins Christiana and Mike for the teen sex comedy that transcends the genre: Eurotrip.
Direct download: watchamovie-Eurotrip.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:15pm EST

Master and Commander - Hey, want to watch a movie? We've got a big group together to watch Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World!

We've got Christiana Ellis and Mike Meitin, Michelle and Nuri, MA in PA, Steve Eley, and Tee Morris.
Direct download: masterandcommander.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:45pm EST

Run Lola Run -- Hey, want to watch a movie? Christiana, Mike, Neil, Paul and Martha watch the wacky German film of awesomeness... Run Lola Run.
Direct download: runlolarun.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:23pm EST

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - Hey, want to watch a movie? Christiana and Mike are joined by Borderline Neil, Shelley Brisbin, Paul Fischer, Martha Holloway and the Right Rev. Chumley for an evening of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone!
Direct download: harrypotter.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:07pm EST

Mortal Kombat! - Hey, want to watch a movie? Christiana and Mike are joined by Paul Fischer and Martha Holloway of Dancing Cat Studios for an evening of MORTAL KOMBAT!!!

Be sure to check out their podiobook, the mystery: "Serve it Cold"
Direct download: mortalkombat.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:00pm EST

WatchAMovie -- Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl Yar, ahoy there mateys! Captain Ellis here, and we be watchin' Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. Joinin' me is my First Mate, Mike Meitin, and scurvy swabs Borderline Neil and Paul from Des Moines.

Plus, we be drinkin' rum according to this here Pirates of the Caribbean drinking game.

Rule 1:

Choose your pirate from the list below, and whenever someone says their name or any variation thereof, drink.

  • Captain Jack Sparrow
  • William Turner
  • Elizabeth Swann
  • Captain Barbossa

Rule 2:

Whenever Will does something well-intentioned, but nonetheless goofy, shout AVAST! And drink.

Rule 3:

Whenever Barbossa uses unnecessarily big words, shout out the longest word you can think of. Whoever's word is the longest gets to make the others drink. Preparing words in advance is CHEATING

Rule 4:

Whenever Captain Jack Sparrow gives a nonsensical or unlikely answer to a simple question, shout "Savvy" and drink.

Rule 5:

Whenever Elizabeth shouts at someone or otherwise gets overtly angry, shout "Feisty wench" and drink. When she is overly prim and proper, shout "Hello Poppet" and drink.

Rule 6:

When Mr. Gibbs takes a swig from his flask, shout "'Tis Bad Luck!" and drink. If the flask is empty, see rule 10 (AKA Why is the rum gone?).

Rule 7:

Whenever parley is called, the group must take a vote. Whoever is elected must drink the agreed upon amount.

Rule 8:

When you see something taken directly from the ride, shout "Dead Men Tell No Tales" and drink.

Rule 9:

When the cursed pirates change back and forth from zombie form in the moonlight, shout either "Pirate Ghosts!" or "Ghost Pirates!", whichever you prefer, but be prepared to defend your answer. "Zombie" may be substituted for "Ghost" as desired.

Rule 10:

When anyone finishes their drink and needs a refill, they shout "Why is the rum gone?" and everyone else must finish their drinks and refill as well.

Direct download: PiratesoftheCarribean1.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:14pm EST

WatchAMovie #21 -- Aeon Flux Nobilis and his wife Dee join Mike and Christiana for an evening with Aeon Flux, and some of it even makes sense!
Direct download: aeonflux.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:58pm EST

WatchAMovie #20 - Contact Christiana and Mike are joined by Paul from Des Moines and the Right Rev Chumley for an evening of talking about nearly everything EXCEPT the 1997 sci-fi film, Contact.
Direct download: Watchamovie_-_Contact.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:30pm EST

Hey, want to watch a Movie? #19 - The Rock Christiana Ellis, Mike Meitin, and Paul from Des Moines watch one of the finest action movies ever: The Rock.
Direct download: watchamovie_-_TheRock.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:32pm EST

Hey, want to watch a Movie? #18: Spiderman 2 We watch Spiderman 2 with Christiana Ellis, Mike Meitin, Shelly Brisbin, Clinton Alvord and Chris Moody.
Direct download: Watchamovie_-_Spiderman_2.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:15pm EST

Hey, want to watch a Movie? #17: Escape from New York Christiana Ellis, Mike Meitin, Tee Morris, and Tony Mast watch "Escape from New York."
Direct download: Watchamovie_-_EscapefromNewYork.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:36pm EST

Guest Commentary: Snakes On A Plane! Well what do you know?

Podcasting's Rich Sigfrit wrangled together some of his webcomic friends, Samantha Allen and Lee Cherolis and they watched Snakes on A Plane!
Direct download: 01_RotO_Spec_Commentary_-_Snakes_on.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:32pm EST

Hey, want to watch a Movie? #15: Shaun of the Dead We watch the "RomZomCom", Shaun of the Dead, with Christiana Ellis, Mike Meitin, Shelly Brisbin and Rich Sigfrit.
Direct download: shaun_of_the_dead.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:25pm EST

Hey, want to watch a Movie? #14: The Princess Bride This time, we watch "The Princess Bride" with Christiana Ellis, Neil from the Borderline Podcast, Steve Eley from Escape Pod, etc., and P.G. Holyfield from the coming-soon podiobook, Murder on Avedon Hill.
Direct download: Watchamovie_-_Princess_Bride.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:56pm EST